Members' Notices

Call for Participants: Therapists Using Dogs in Clinical Practice

Are you a qualified therapist or counsellor who integrates a dog into your clinical work? I am conducting doctoral research exploring therapists' experiences of Animal-Assisted Therapy and would love to hear from you. If you are interested in taking part, please get in touch - your insights would be invaluable to this research. Contact: Helena Vellas, Counselling Psychology Doctoral Trainee (Metanoia Institute) Email: (Supervisor: Dr Lynne Souter-Anderson,

RTG e-flyers
If you are interested in receiving our e-flyers (no more than 10 per year) please contact us by email to:

Committee Vacancies
We are currently looking for volunteers to support the work of the RTG if you feel able to contribute please do get in touch. All Committee activities are eligible for CPD. Contact the committee: or click here 

Free on-line CPD from the Home Office   click here
A recent study revealed that 137,000 women in England and Wales are estimated to be living with the consequences of FGM. To address this issue, the Home Office is championing a proactive approach and has launched this free online FGM training package (2015). You can also visit our February 2016 talk by Fatum - by visiting the programme page and selecting her talk. The talk gives links to the relevant information and training.

PREVENT: have you had your training?


You can advertise your placement, room hire / share, research, groups, events, courses, employment opportunities and notices on the RTG noticeboard. Your adverts will be circulated to the RTG mailing list in our next e-flyers.

To place an advert or notice on the Noticeboard please send brief relevant information (up to 200 words) to No photographs or graphics please.

Alternatively, you could email us a link to your website that gives details of your event.